Affordable Student fitness class

Joining PSB Gym student fitness class can offer a range of benefits to enhance your fitness journey. The gym provides an ideal environment for students to work out, achieve fitness goals, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Affordable Gym Membership and
Fitness Class

PSB Gym offers an affordable membership fee for students, making it accessible to a broad range of students. With flexible payment plans, you can choose to pay monthly or annually, depending on your budget.

PSB Gym offers a variety of group fitness classes that are designed to cater to all fitness levels and interests. As a student member, you can attend these classes for free. The group classes range from yoga, Pilates, Zumba, spinning, and much more. Joining a group class can provide motivation, social support, and a fun way to stay fit and healthy.

Jesse and Matt Consulting a new member!

One of the significant benefits of joining PSB Gym is the personalized training plans that are tailored to your specific fitness goals. When you join, you get a complimentary consultation with a qualified trainer who will help you develop a training program that aligns with your goals, fitness level, and lifestyle. The trainer will also guide you on how to use the equipment, demonstrate proper form, and give you feedback on your progress.

PSB Gym provides a social environment where you can meet like-minded individuals who share similar fitness goals. You can create workout buddies, engage in friendly competitions, and learn from other gym-goers.

PSB Gym is well-equipped with the latest machines, weights, and cardio equipment that cater to all your fitness needs. As a student member, you have access to all these facilities, which can help you stay fit and healthy. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscles or simply maintain your fitness, the gym has a range of equipment to suit your needs.


I'm Mark, and I have been a member of PSB Gym for a year now. I've always struggled with my weight, and my busy schedule made it challenging to find time for exercise. But after joining PSB Gym, everything changed for me. The gym's flexible hours and location made it easy for me to fit exercise into my schedule.
A couple of busy PSB students who want to be able to workout seamlessly anywhere on their PSB schedule
When I joined, I had a goal to lose weight and become more toned, but I lacked the knowledge and motivation to make it happen. However, with the help of a personal trainer, group fitness classes, and access to new equipment, I was able to achieve my fitness goals and transform my life.
Burn some calories #intense#ropes#workout

Visit PSB Gym

Importance of Fitness

Fitness and health are critical components of a student’s overall well-being, with regular exercise improving mental health, focus, and energy levels. However, as a student, it can be challenging to find the time and resources needed to maintain a consistent exercise routine. This is where PSB Gym can be invaluable, providing students with state-of-the-art equipment, group fitness classes, and personal training sessions that cater to unique goals and needs. With flexible hours, convenient locations, and a supportive environment, PSB Gym can help students achieve wellness goals and improve overall health and well-being. Sign up Now!