Solo Travel Experiences in your Twenties

If you’ve ever planned a trip with friends, you know how challenging it can be. All parties must be on the same page about every aspect of the trip, otherwise chaos may ensue. Solo travel experiences in your twenties can be exciting but intimidating. It is also possible that you do not have anyone to go with, but do not want to travel alone. If you have ever experienced any of the above, going on an organized group trip is a great option for you! 

solo travel experience in your twenties, group travel, travel the world

Benefits of Solo Travel Experiences in your Twenties

Travelling in a group and meeting new people? Say less! 

Meet New People

Meeting new people can be tricky. With social media and a large online presence, people have become lonely. There are so many tasks that can be done without getting up from your couch, such as ordering groceries and working from home, due to the easy accessibility of the internet. This can be incredibly isolating and make it difficult to build new friendships. What’s a better way to meet new people than to go on a trip with them? Going on an organized trip with a group of up to 30 strangers gives you the opportunity to meet people that you likely wouldn’t have met in your day-to-day life.  

No Planning Required

How stressful is it be to plan an itinerary yourself? Planning a trip from start to finish can put a lot of weight on your shoulders. You may not know where to begin when it comes to choosing the destinations, transportation, sites to see, and excursions. On an organized group trip, every single detail is planned for you. This means that you do not have to worry about anything, make additional bookings, or worry about getting from one destination to another. With a group trip, you are able to choose an itinerary that best suits you and your travel needs. 

Always Surrounded by People

Getting solo travel experiences in your twenties can be scary and intimidating. Often people have the desire to travel, but don’t end up doing it because don’t have anyone to do it with. Travelling with friends can be tricky and lead to conflict; therefore, many opt-in to travelling with a significant other. This creates a problem for young travellers, as it has become less common to have a significant other in your early twenties. That age is prime time to travel, regardless of if it’s alone or with others. You may not always have a go-to travel buddy, but with group travel, you’ll always have travel buddies. This provides travellers the feeling of safety, as there are always people surrounding you. You are given the opportunity to do things that you may have not done if you were on your own.

Share New Experiences

When exploring new places and trying new things, there are so many different opportunities to bond with your fellow travellers. Group trips provide opportunities to make new memories and friends that will last forever. Trips are incredibly memorable and provide people with the chance to create these memories with people they never would have met. On a trip like this, it becomes evident how different everyone is, but you all have one thing in common, and can bond over it. You can realize that you don’t need to have everything in common with a person to connect with them. Everyone is unique and different, and group trips bring people together from different stages of life. 

Solo travel experience in your twenties, group travel, bonding

Does group travel sound like something for you? Read about PSB Travel’s organized group trips today!