DIY a Personal Vacation Itinerary: A Guide to Help You

6 steps away from your dream vacation!

The holiday season is around the corner! This year, do you have an idea about how to spend it yet? Guess you don’t want to waste this precious time…then how about go traveling? It’s time to escape from the boring daily life, and just have a wonderful vacation! You probably already have some ideas in your mind. No wonder. Who doesn’t want to dream something big for their holidays? However, you’re afraid that your idea is too ambitious, or your needs are so niche that you can’t find a satisfying travel route option from travel agencies. Then, DIY a personal vacation itinerary by yourself! After all, you know your own needs the best.

A pile of books with a pair of glasses on  their top, placed on a table which is on a beautiful beach. Start with some easy knowledge to DIY a travel plan!
DIY a personal vacation itinerary to make your vacation perfect and special!

Then, here comes another question: how to DIY a travel plan? If you have no idea where to start, here is a guide to help you:

  1. Figure out your budget: unfortunately, enjoying a travel is usually not free. It is important for you to figure out your budget range to start to DIY a personal vacation itinerary. Then, you can have an idea on what kind of a travel plan your budget allows you to have.
  2. Understand your needs: after figuring out your budget, it’s time to dream! Do you want to travel to domestic or international spots? What is your dream place to enjoy your holiday? Beaches or Mountains, cities or countries, warm places or cold places? What do you want to do there? sightseeing, camping, enjoying the food, discovering the cultures, or shopping? What kind of experience do you want to have, exhausting, but a lot of achievements, or relaxing and casual? If you cannot recall any desired spots, go to social media, or go to a bookstore. Therefore, you can find some recommendation from bloggers, influencers, travel magazines, etc.! Make a list of all your wishes, then you probably will have some options in mind.
  3. Do your research: now, you have in mind what you want to do to enjoy your holiday, let’s do some research! What are the spots that you want to visit in the destination? What is the price level in that place? How will the weather be during your visit? What are the transportation options? What foods and culture are there? How to acquire the visa to your destination? The Internet is going to be your best helper – Search engines, social media, traveling websites, local rating websites, booking websites… They can answer most of your questions, and moreover, they often give you more inspirations and tips that you probably didn’t expect!
  4. Make a list of your activities: you now have some thoughts on what activities you want to do during your travel. Make a list of them and see which activities can be done in one day, and which should be finished on other days. Sometimes it’s hard, right? Then, here comes the secret to make it easier: go to find some travel blogs of your destination. Copy the one that best suits your needs and just make changes to it! It saves you much time and usually it’s more trustworthy because someone else has already tested how it would work for you.
  5. DIY a travel plan: you’re almost there! Now you are probably an expert of your destination, and it’s time to plan out your entire travel with necessary details – timelines, hotels, tourist spots, activities, transportation choices, what to bring to the destination, tips and notes to pay attention to…
  6. Enjoy your holiday!
Two ladies having fun at a beautiful beach, talking to each other. If you want to have a perfect vacation without too much effort, you are welcome to come to us for advice to DIY a tavel plan for you.
Are you looking for a one-of-a-kind vacation but worry about the effort will take to DIY the travel plan?

Do you find this guide helpful? However, if you still feel hesitant to DIY a travel plan by yourself because it’s too difficult, time-consuming, or you’re just afraid that you cannot plan a perfect travel to an unfamiliar destination, you’re welcome to choose us – PSB Travel, a team of passionate, experienced professionals ready to provide a perfect customized travel plan for you to spend the best holiday you’ll ever have! We’re known for making customized plans for our clients to satisfy their personal needs which you can’t experience in other agencies. You can come to us through our website, social media accounts, and our physical office located in Confederation Parkway in Mississauga with any budget, questions, and needs in mind, and just let our staff give you professional, personalized advice and provide a thorough service for you!

Even if you have nothing in mind but just want us to help you to have a wonderful holiday, you’re always welcome to come and we’ll help you to DIY a travel plan, or you can simply join our newly launched customer loyalty program with the type of package you are happy with, and then you can leave everything else to us to worry about and enjoy our service for an entire year! Come to visit our website, social media or view our other blogs!